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    B2B lead generation for technology companies is tricky. In this blog Denave demand gen experts will cover indispensable insights to win and woo clients in the technology sector

    B2B lead generation for technology companies is tricky. In this blog Denave demand gen experts will cover indispensable insights to win and woo clients in the technology sector

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    Technology and B2B marketing is the game of changing strategies and it needs to be updated constantly.

    Technology and B2B marketing is the game of changing strategies and it needs to be updated constantly.

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    Here are top plays to Drive ROI improvements and B2B lead generation for SaaS or Technology Companies operating in a complex market

    Here are top plays to Drive ROI improvements and B2B lead generation for SaaS or Technology Companies operating in a complex market

Technology marketing is tedious and increasingly challenging. Legacy business models and outdated methods leave B2B and technology companies behind in the race. However, pragmatic thinking and innovation can propel B2B lead generation for technology companies. IT, B2B, and SaaS enterprises should commit fundamental changes in their processes, and continuously develop & refine rules for high-quality lead generation. Here are some relevant ways to augment lead gener

How Does B2B lead generation for SaaS or Technology Companies Works?

SaaS and technology companies need to forge strong relations with their target audience. Relationship building helps in educating the audience, creating more brand awareness and generating demand. To do this, enterprises must deliver timely and relevant engagements to clients through hyper-personalised touchpoints. Enterprises must relentlessly crank the wheel to research customer needs, address those needs, and build the momentum.

Here are some agile lead generation techniques that can help enterprises in driving conversations for the brand:

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    Define Objectives for Lead Generations

    Every step of the B2B lead generation should be informed by research: what works, what doesn’t, what prospects want, what they need. Enterprises should draft the key objectives and results they want to achieve through the lead gen strategy. Savvy enterprises use the OKR (Objectives and Key Results) goal system for setting clear priorities and constant rhythm in the lead gen efforts. The OKR strategy helps in creating alignment and engagement around measurable goals.

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    Personalise Lead Gen Efforts as per the Needs of the Target Audience

    Enterprises should define ideal customer profile (ICP) or buyer persona of the target audience to generate leads. For doing this, they should have more concrete B2B database of prospects for their outreach campaigns. Smart organizations leverage AI and ML based models to find new insights about the prospective customers interests, challenges, and buying habits. They further tailor the sales and marketing communication as per the changing preferences of the customers.

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    Leverage Intent Data

    Intent data provides buying signals to enables businesses to pitch the product or services to the right prospect at the right time. It informs and guides sales and marketing teams in focusing on the right group of buyers. Enterprises get the unique ability to personalize sales communication as per the distinct needs of the buyers.

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    Maintain an Equilibrium Between Gated & Ungated Content

    Gated content helps enterprises in generating relevant leads. Gated content is like a transaction where a page asks leads to provide their contact details in return of information. Similarly, ungated content helps in creating brand awareness. However, B2B lead generation for technology companies requires a cohesive mix of gated and ungated content to disseminate information about complex technical topics. The trick is to gate only 20% of the content and leaving the 80% ungated.

    Note: The best way to write content about technology topics is understanding and visualizing it. The content which uses content mapping and detailing to describe complex details performs well and delivers better results. Wrapping customer stories in the story telling yields better results.

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    Offer Free Trials or Freemium Products

    Freemiums or free trials significantly drive B2B lead generation for SaaS or technology companies. Prospects don’t mind giving their contact details when they get some value. Free trial of products gives prospects a chance to test the products and make the purchase decision. Free trial for a limited period also lets enterprises in testing the product and build the capabilities

Monitor & Improve Performance

No one strategy or techniques can create a thriving lead gen practice that results in better business outcomes. Therefore, enterprises should continuously test the performance of their strategies to figure out which one works best for their case. There are four different types of metrics that enterprises should track:

• Campaign metrics

• Paid ads metrics

• Content metrics

• BOFU and TOFU metrics

These metrics should correspond with the lead gen objectives of the enterprise. Some of the top KPIs for IT, B2B & tech companies are:

• Organic traffic: Total visitors attracted to the website

• Traffic-to-lead rate: Visitors converted into new leads

• Click-through rate: Visitors who click on a link on to learn more about the offer

• Conversion rate: Traffic converted into new leads

• Cost per lead: Cost incurred to generate one new lead


B2B lead generation for SaaS or Technology Companies is a fraught business. There are many challenges that prevent enterprises from reaching the full potential. The key to successful lead generation is to have a structured framework that is centered around sales and corporate strategy alignment, integration of systems and processes, clear definition of roles and responsibilities, and consistent reporting. The path to incorporate these four pillars isn’t painful as most enterprises perceive.

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