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As a B2B marketer, do you often find yourself at sea on how to keep up with an ever-changing digital marketing landscape?

The searchers and the search engine behaviours are constantly changing, and it can be difficult to adapt as a brand that is still pivoting to the digital marketing landscape. However, there are some fundamental tips and tricks that can keep your SEO alive and kicking despite the numerous evolving components.

Let’s look at some of the best B2B SEO strategies to boost traffic and lower the cost per lead of your marketing funnel.

On-page SEO Checklist

  1. Identify target keywords
  2. Improve the title tags
  3. Write your title in the H1 tag
  4. Write a meta description that aligns with search queries
  5. Make the URL slug SEO-friendly
  6. Incorporate target keywords in your body content
  7. Optimize content quality and follow EAT guidelines
  8. Map your subheadings with header tags
  9. Facilitate user navigation with internal links
  10. Add visual content- images, GIFs, and videos
  11. Add Alt Tags with your visual content
  12. Apply schema mark up
  13. Index your pages
  14. Ensure mobile friendliness and AMP-readiness
Advanced SEO Checklist
  1. Identify target keywords
  2. Improve the title tags
  3. Write your title in the H1 tag
  4. Write a meta description that aligns with search queries
Let’s dive deep into the advanced SEO checklist for B2B businesses to grow their organic digital marketing efforts, drive targeted traffic on their website, and maximize cost per acquisition.

  • 1

    Shorten your content’s time to value

    Time to value in content means the duration it takes for a user to get valuable insight from a piece of content. The time to value for a piece of content must be short and deliver what users are looking for as quickly as possible.

    However, by incorporating hero images, author bios, and detailed introductions, marketers often make the websites with poor time to value. The time to value on mobile pages is even worse, that negatively impacts the bounce rate, average session duration, and dwell time. All these factors combined can affect your traffic and rankings.

    So, what is the formula to shorten your content’s time to value?

    Start by providing the most important information on the top of the page, satiating a user’s search intent. Leverage BLUF (bottom line up front) or an inverted-pyramid approach that prioritizes important information on the top of the page. The goal is to decrease a user’s scroll time to get the information that they are looking for. Too much scrolling can increase bounce rates.

  • 2

    Develop topic clusters

    A topic cluster is a collection of articles or content pieces that share a central theme or topic and are tactically linked to each other. Building topic clusters help you build topical authority and allow your visitors to resolve their queries on your site.

    Ordinarily, topic clusters orbit around a corresponding pillar page that targets a broad topic. Content that relates to the said pillar page makes up the cluster and is linked to and from the pillar page. These topic clusters help B2B businesses to boost their SEO rankings by generating content that demonstrates their topical authority among the niche audience. It establishes a sense of trust and information credibility amongst the audience that your website knows what it is talking about.

  • 3

    Leverage FAQ schema

    What if someone told you that there is a way to increase your search visibility and traffic without improving your website’s SERP ranking?

    You’d probably think that’s simply not possible.

    However, there is a possible solution- by increasing your SERP real estate. This can be done by integrating FAQ schema as part of your SEO efforts.

    What is FAQ schema?

    Below is an example of a search result served due to FAQ schema markup.

    You can see the amount of space this one listing takes up, which could otherwise have been allotted to one more search result. Those drop-down questions are showing up on the search engine results page due to FAQ schema markup. The schema allows marketers to present the questions and answers in their content as FAQs. Using this method, you can push your competitors further down and drive their clicks your way.

  • 4

    Examine your log files

    Log file analysis is a valuable and advanced technique used in search engine optimization (SEO) to gain insights into how search engine bots interact with your website. By examining the log files generated by your web server, you can uncover crucial information about how search engines crawl and index your site.

    Here's how log file analysis can benefit your SEO efforts:

    • a) Crawl budget optimization: Log file analysis allows you to see which pages on your website are being crawled most frequently and which ones are being ignored. By identifying pages with low crawl rates, you can optimize them to ensure search engines are spending their crawl budget efficiently on important content.

    • b) Crawl error identification: Log files provide detailed records of any errors encountered by search engine bots while crawling your site. Analyzing these errors can help you pinpoint issues such as broken links, server errors, or inaccessible pages, which you can then rectify to improve your site's crawlability and indexability.

      1. c) Discovering crawl patterns: Log file analysis reveals how search engine bots navigate through your website. You can identify patterns and understand which areas of your site receive more attention from search engines, enabling you to structure your internal linking and content hierarchy more effectively.

      2. d) Uncovering bot behaviour: By studying log files, you can determine which search engines and bots are accessing your site, their frequency, and the pages they're visiting. This insight can be valuable in understanding how different search engines perceive and index your content.

      3. e) Keyword insights: Log file analysis can provide data on the keywords used by visitors to find your site through organic search. This information can help you identify relevant keywords that drive traffic to your website and optimize your content accordingly.


    Search engine optimization is an extremely dynamic and volatile component of digital marketing that requires consistency, experimentation, and optimization to succeed. As B2B businesses adapt digital marketing services as part of their demand generation strategies, the need for strategic SEO services in India and APAC is essential to get the edge over their competitors. SEO when executed in unison with SEM services can deliver exceptional results for businesses reducing overall cost-per-click and customer acquisition cost.

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